Good to see you all. I know when someone new comes along to share the word, there is a tendency to compare and rate the new preacher against their favorite preacher-they may even give marks according to the choice of words, clarity and depth…if you are going to do that to me, let me confess I will fail; my confidence comes from the fact that once upon a time, a donkey spoke to a prophet! If God can use a donkey to convey a message…you know He can use me! Shall we pray?
Thank You, O God-for You are a God who wants to communicate with your children. Here we are to hear You, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
I’ve titled my message as ‘3-2-1’ You will find out, soon enough, why!
3: Three
Turn with me to Matt. 8:23, 24: Now when He got into a boat, His disciples followed Him. And suddenly a great tempest arose on the sea, so that the boat was covered with the waves. But he was asleep. Three times in the entire Bible, there is a word used that comes from the original greek word seismos- meaning shaken violently. Here it is translated as ‘a great tempest’ or in some other version as ‘a furious tempest’. While trying to describe this strong tempest, Matthew picks up the word ‘seismos’ – an earth shaking moment.
2. The second time the word ‘seismos’ occurs is also found in the same book of Matthew. Matt. 27:51-54: Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many. So when the centurion and those with him, who were guarding Jesus, saw the earthquake and the things that had happened, they feared greatly, saying, “Truly this was the Son of God!”
And again-‘seismos’ is used for the third time in Matt. 28:2. “And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat on it.”
The events describe of something being shaken-in these three places where ‘seismos’ is used. The people who physically see it happening are all gripped with fear-a fear that even seems legitimate. I know you all know what fear is-for some people, it is the fear of darkness, for others-fear of death; and to some others fear of failure in a job or marriage.
Beloved, when you see shaking all around, stand on the strong ground! Put your confidence in Jesus-we have received a faith that cannot be shaken! I tell you that the antidote to fear is faith-A faith that is unmoved by any seismos! You will physically see, physically feel the seismos, but that is not going to move your precious faith one inch!
2: Two
If you know the feeling of amazement, Jesus knew it too! Two times in the Bible it is written Jesus was amazed; that He marveled…The first time is mentioned in Mark 6:6 “And He {Jesus} marveled because of their unbelief. Then He went about the villages in a circuit, teaching. How is that? Jesus was amazed at their unbelief. His own countrymen!
The other time Jesus was amazed is found in Luke 7:9: When Jesus heard these things, he marveled at him, and turned around and said to the crowd that followed Him, “I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!”
Now, how do you like that? Jesus was amazed at the Centurion’s faith. Do you remember the instance of the Centurion coming to Jesus, because one of his servants was sick? Now this man came and said to Jesus to the effect: ‘Please do not trouble to come to this unworthy man’s house. Just say the word and my servant will be healed.’ And Jesus was amazed at his faith!
Now there are two things that can amaze Jesus-your unbelief or your faith. Now I don’t know anything about you whether you live in fear or faith. I have been through much to know that fear seems real sometimes. But I don’t know the reasons for your fear.
Young people that we-my wife and I, have ministered to since 1977, have a fear of marriage too! Because, they have seen it painful and broken in other people’s lives-maybe their own cousin or aunt or a close relative. And this is what they say “It didn’t work for them; how can I be sure it will work for me?” All I can say is that the anti-dote to fear is faith. Go toward Jesus-you and your spouse and the boat will float! This is what we say to the young people preparing for marriage or starting their married life.
The fear can be from financial insecurity. I personally believe that credit card is one of the biggest wreckers of young homes-if you cannot manage your finances and pay your debt. I am not against credit card (I carry one myself) but I encourage you to get a grip on your finances by proper planning. If you have a credit card, and suppose your credit limit is 2 lakh rupees…and your salary is Rs. 50000 per month, and you spend 1.25 lakhs within a month…man, I say, you are in big trouble! Because you will now try to pay in more than one installments; and it will only become worse if you make further purchases the next month! The interest charges that are charge by the credit bank are no less than the micro-financing money lenders who charge exorbitant rates-it is usury! Instead if you spend 20000/-, while your salary is still 50000/-, and when you receive the statement for credit at the beginning of the next month, you are able to pay it full-in one shot! That would be just about perfect financial planning.
But beware; because, this is when your silver card will be upgraded to gold card and an increase in credit limit; and if you still continue to make wise, one-shot payments, for your credit shopping, you may then be upgraded to a platinum card to tempt you to spend more! Be steadfast; be sure to pay it back all at once. After the platinum upgrade, if you are still able to do that, I say, man you have mastered the master card!
As a 17 year old, in February 1976, I was slapped with a false case and was put in jail. If you knew the law of the country, a 17-year old should not be put in jail, but be sent to a remand home. But they wrote my age as 24. Thirteen days later, my parents brought me out by bail. I remember a doctor uncle coming along (they were all filled with shame and worry)-and he informed me that the college had given me the sack. He said that I cannot get admission thereafter in any college because of my ill-repute, that I would not get a job if I did not study and that there would be no one willing to marry me, if there was no job! Thinking about it, it all seems very logical – one leads to the other – education, job and then marriage.
But my mother, being a prayerful woman, kept me in prayer and I was sent away to another place, some 400 km from Chennai. After 3 months, my bail was relaxed (otherwise I had to sign in the police station everyday). Then a friend of mine, who was also the church youth leader and a lecturer in a college, talked about me to his Principal, and got me a seat in B.A (Economics). That’s how I came to study in Madras Christian College! But I was not done yet-my case was transferred from Magistrate to the Session’s court for trial once more, and I had to spend a day in jail again during my first year in college.
To my curious friends, I gave varying reasons of why I did not attend college the previous day, but was caught out by a professor in the 4th hour – he looked at me and said that my name had appeared in the newspaper where it was also mentioned that some case was pending against me and I had spent some time in jail. I was aghast and taken aback! My friends, who took offense at the professor’s affront, dismissed it by calling him by his nickname; incredibly, his nickname was “convict” (whatever reasons I do not know!)
But, I was filled with shame and remorse-because I knew what the professor was saying was entirely true! After that hour, I went to the library to browse the newspaper and indeed found that my name was in the papers with all the sordid details. My mind was filled with dread and the only desire I had at that time was that my mother, somehow, would not see the article in the newspaper. Also at that time, I was addicted to cigarette and was into drugs and I was into all kinds of trouble, but hoped that somehow my mother would not know!
That evening, I saw my mother in tears. She had obviously seen the newspaper!. I went up to her, took her by her shoulder and shook her hard: “Mother, why are you crying? There is no God” After a pause and a concession in my thinking, I continued, “Even if there was a God, He must be blind. Look at all the trouble with my case in court.” She said, “Ashok, you can never cheat God!” and cried inconsolably. I did not know what to say... and at that time somehow this verse hit me “It is hard for you to kick against the thorns” (Saul’s conversion in Acts 9:5). I went into my room and started crying… I told Him-I told my Jesus, that I was sorry because I had been hurting my mummy and daddy; that I was sorry for hurting Him, too! Not only that, I was hurting myself (with my habits) and I said I was sorry! I confessed and asked Him for help. I said, “God, if you will help me in my case in the Sessions court, I will serve you full-time!”
From that moment, I knew a change in me that I had not known before. Jesus took control of my life.. My life changed; miraculously my case was dissolved in the court (it was a false case, in the first place). I quit smoking and drugs with Jesus’ help. God’s word filled my life. My life took the best turn it could possibly ever take!
Remember the doctor's prediction-I would not study...? I completed my BA; I won’t get a job? I was on the job even before the final year exams were over! I will not get married? Beloved, I did get married and now my daughter is married too! What a wonderful and awesome God is on our side. Nothing is impossible!
I don’t know what is your fear-maybe your future, a job or marriage? I do not know anything about you…But I know one thing-God is able! Increase your faith-faith comes by hearing … (Romans 10:17). If you have an ipod or a business phone, hear the word of God… yes, I know about all your interests in listening to good music. But give it a try for maybe 15 minutes to start with? Then gradually you will find the word of God make a lasting impression and maybe then you would like to increase your time of hearing God’ word? Read God’s word…Study God’s word… meditate on God’s word; and memorize God’s word.
He is the same God who is there in the Bible, who is now with us! God of Daniel (in the lion’s den), God of Joshua (up against the walls of Jericho), God of Jehoshaphat (up against the battle with many armies surrounding him)… He is the same God now with me!
If Jesus is there with you in your boat, you can be sure nothing will happen to the boat! Yes, there may be a storm raging over the sea; yes, there may be upheavals and shaking; yes, there may even be tossing and turning of the boat; but Jesus is at rest inside the boat. Peace… be still, and the storm will be gone! Now go ahead and amaze Jesus by your faith. Will you?
1: One
Psalm 27:4: One thing I have desired of the LORD, that I will seek; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in His temple.
There is one thing that you can do-behold His beauty! If you know of a Mac user and ask him what’s wrong in having a PC, he will say that the Mac is unbeatable-because it can multitask! This has become some catch-phrase these days-multi-tasking. People tend to think that they can do many things at the same time… it is not true. We are designed to do one thing at a time-only one thing is needed, only one thing I have desired. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matt. 6:33)-and all these ‘other’ things of food, clothing and shelter will be added to you!
God First… Make a decision “Today God Is First”! Do you know what they do to train a lion? The trainer, they say, carry 3 things-a pistol (to shoot in case the lion decides it is lunch-time instead of training time!), a whip (understandable, when a ‘crack’ of it will sound an alarm to the lion), a stool! Now, what can you possibly do with a 3-legged (or 4-legged) stool? But they say, it is the best weapon to tame the lion. They say it is for the trainer’s defense-that a lion when charging will lose its focus, not knowing what to charge at-if 3 legs are thrust in front of him! And it will just stare at it or sit down! Even a lion (king of the jungle) cannot handle 3 things at the same time!
Everyday God must be First, family next and farther down is your job, secular work or whatever. Recently, we encouraged the young couples in our fellowship to spend time talking with one another for at least 20 minutes everyday. The same Wednesday, I received a telephone call from a brother asking me “Brother, what can I talk for 20 minutes…I’m trying to and looking at my watch…and it’s just 13 minutes over! How is it that we spend hours talking to one another, and run up huge telephone bills, before marriage-but not after?
See, the whole exercise of asking them to spend 20 min. talking with one another, was prompted from our own experience, as well. I did not realize that I have been talking less and less with my wife-who has a habit of making long prayers (I like to pray short ones-maybe many times throughout the day). But as I prayed with her, and listened, I heard phrases and sentences meant entirely for me in her prayers! I told her ‘Hey, that’s for me-talk to me, why would you disturb Him?’ She replied, ‘In the morning you are always in a hurry to go to office and so rush about; and in the evening you are grumpy because of something that happened in the office. Tell me, when should I talk?’ That was the time we decided we will chalk out 20 minutes, at least, to talk to one another. And it has been a blessing to me in our family.
Put God First, Family Next and the Secular Work last! God Bless You.
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