(Message by Pastor S. Joseph, Founder-NLMI at NLC,Vashi on Sunday 30th October 2011)
Hallelujah! How wonderful it is to worship the Lord. Here on earth we can trust God & His promises.
Do you know that the Bible says that “all things belong to you” (1 Cor 3:22) ? All things belong to God & He has given it to Christ & it is ours in Christ. In this hall we are enjoying the breeze & the lighting, but if the main switch is off, we are unable to enjoy the electrical facilities. Similarly in the Christian life, we need to put on the main switch of faith & obedience to receive & enjoy the benefits which are ours in Christ Jesus. Some people go through the practice of praying, singing few songs , give tithe and offering and even attend church regularly, but yet if the main switch is off, they will not experience what God has in store for them. My prayer for you in this church is that after I have preached and left this place, many of you will put the switch on.
Jesus said that “all these things will be added to you”(Matt 6:33), if we seek first His kingdom & righteousness. All our basic necessities will be met & it is a by-product of seeking His kingdom. We know that all the things that we see were made from the invisible (Heb 11:3). Now when we talk about faith, the real definition of faith is found in the book of Habbakuk …running with the vision (Hab. 2:2)…Faith means man’s dependence on the promises of God. The righteous will live by his faith. (Hab. 2:4). This verse is quoted three times in the New Testament i.e. Romans, Galatians & Hebrews. We need to have a revelation of this. In the 16th Century, when Martin Luther got a revelation of this scripture, it led to the Reformation in many countries of the world.
Lets look at the biblical definition of faith. “Now faith is the assurance (substance) of {things} hoped for, the conviction (title-deed) of things not seen.” (Heb 11:1). Here this scripture begins with ‘Now’. Faith is the present, not the past, nor the future. Hope relates to the future, but faith is of the present. Faith is something tangible i.e. a substance. When we get the title-deed of any property, we rejoice though we may not have seen the property. Similarly faith is seeing the invisible! Faith leads to action.
In Hebrews 11 we find that through faith, Abel worshipped God, Enoch walked with God, Noah worked for God & Abraham went to an unknown destination. Faith propels us forward! It is written about Moses in Heb 11 that because he saw invisible,he was willing to forsake all the glories of the land of Egypt which he could see. Faith is seeing the invisible, feeling the intangible and achieving the impossible. We can understand more about faith through its various categories…Testing of faith, Trials of faith, Triumph of faith and Trophies of faith, which I may share with you the next time.
Today I would like to share with you on the different types of faith.
1. Grace faith : “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, {it is} the gift of God;
not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.” (Eph 2:8,9). We all begin with this grace faith, when we receive Christ. We know that our salvation is not due to any good deeds but because of His grace in simple faith in what Christ has done for us.
2. Fruit faith : “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” (Gal 5:22,23). If we study the fruit of the Spirit, the first three relate to what we get when we have communion with the Father, the next three are the character of Jesus which is seen in us, and the last three are the outworking of the Holy Spirit in us.
3. Gift faith : In 1 Cor 12 & 14 chapters we find the gifts of the Spirit mentioned. Inspirational (i.e. distinguishing of spirits, {various} kinds of tongues, and the interpretation of tongues), Impartational (i.e. prophecy, word of wisdom , word of knowledge) & Implementation gifts (i.e. faith , gifts of healing ,effecting of miracles). We need the gifts of the Spirit to serve God effectively.
4. Spirit of faith : But having the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, "I BELIEVED, THEREFORE I SPOKE," we also believe, therefore we also speak (2 Cor 4:13). This is the highest level where we believe God to do the impossible! We believe therefore we speak! Joshua spoke to the sun to stand still & experienced an extended daylight! Moses lifted up his hand over the Red sea & it parted! Moses spoke to the rock & water flowed out!
May the Lord bless us and enable us to exercise faith in our lives that we may “put on” the main switch and experience all that He wants us to receive.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Peace of God
Peace of God,
pursue peace,
Before Jesus was born, the prophet wrote
about Jesus in Isaiah 9:6 : For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is
given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be
called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
If you are troubled by anything that has
happened or is happening in your life, then this message is for you: Jesus is
the Prince of Peace. Peace and rest is found in Jesus alone; and He is the
Answer to the storms that you are facing in your life.
If you have not yet experienced His
salvation, you can come to Him, believing Jesus is the Son of God. And He will
wash all your sins away, grant you a new Life here on earth that will last
For those who have believed in Jesus, I
say, know that we have a High Priest in Jesus Christ, not in the Levitical
order of priesthood, but of a higher order- according to the order of
Melchizedek (Heb. 5:6). Melchizedek means King of righteousness; and he was
the king of Salem-
meaning peace. And Jesus is a priest forever according to the order of
Melchizedek-He is the Prince of Peace. Now in this light, see that we do not have
a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses… Jesus wants us to have
His peace in all our circumstances and situations. Bless Your children LORD
with Your peace!
Jesus spoke to His disciples: Peace I leave
with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give you to you.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. [John 14:27].
If your heart is troubled today, let this
verse speak peace to you; it is what Jesus is giving to you. He is able for he
is the Prince of Peace; He is willing to give to you that peace that only He
can! If you have never experienced His peace, it is time first to experience
peace with God.
Once we were far away from God… we had our
own plans, own will and own agenda. But through faith in the precious blood of
Jesus, who was delivered up because of our offenses, and was raised because of
our justification, we have been brought near to God. Now, through our belief,
having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus
Christ (Romans 5:1).
We have been justified not by our ‘good
works’. People of this world have problems in accepting the imputed
righteousness that comes by belief in the Lord Jesus Christ. They think that
one has to strive and undergo penance and pilgrimage, along with good works, to
somehow earn salvation. But the good news is that: Jesus died for our sins, He
rose again to justify us; we have been declared righteous because of what Jesus
has done for us on the cross. If you believe that you have peace with God.
Now do not stay in the place of peace with God; but go on to experience peace of God.
Jesus specifically spoke of troubles that
His disciples would face. But added: “These things I have spoken to you, that
in Me you may have peace. In the world you will you will have tribulation; but
be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
His peace is for us-a peace even in the
midst of tribulations of this world; a peace that passes all human
understanding; a peace that is found IN Jesus alone. This is the peace of God
that is given to us. It is wonderful to be saved and experiencing peace with
God; but let me explain to you 5 practical steps that you may take to
appropriate this peace of God in your
- Pray
Phil. 4: 6, 7
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything
by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known
to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard
your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Let your requests, (general and specific,)
be made to God (through prayer and supplication, respectively). I love this
verse in Philippians, because the whole imagery that crops up in your mind, as
you read this verse by Paul, is that of security- a security that comes because
of the peace of God. He writes that the peace of God will GUARD our hearts and
minds… a peace that surpasses all understanding. You may have seen the bigwigs,
political and otherwise, surrounded by armed guards for their security. We have
something better as believers, that will guard our hearts- yes, it is the peace
of God.
Abandon your worries, and let anxieties
cease- as you cast your burdens on the Lord in prayer and supplication. He cares for you-this is the reason why you
should cast your burdens on to Him (1 Peter 5:7); do not go about your life
thinking that nobody cares! Let
thanksgiving abound as you experience the peace of God; gain the insight that
He holds the future and He will surely make a way.
- Believe in God
Jesus said: Let not your heart be troubled;
you believe in God, believe also in Me.
(John 14:1)
Have faith in God. We may not see with
natural eyes what God is working in our lives. And we cannot see what will
happen tomorrow. But today, experience the peace of God in believing. And let
not your heart be troubled.
His word is truth; His promises sure. His
thoughts are higher and His works marvellous in our eyes. While you wait for
the answer, believe and experience the peace of God. Begin thanksgiving even
today-even before you see the answer to your prayer.
- Walk in God’s ways
You cannot go about doing your ‘routine’ if
it is not pleasing in God’s eyes. If God is looking for changes in your doings,
here is the rule to measure it- the peace of God. At times, when we are at the
wrong place, or in the company of wrong-doers, or when you are looking for a
life-partner, look for the peace of God in your hearts. For if it is not of
God’s will, He withdraws His peace from within us; and we can know that we are
in the danger zone. Col.
3:15 says: And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were
called in one body; and be thankful.
So, in those times, when you experience a
lack of peace in your hearts, heed the warning signal of God; look for what is
wrong in your life- and avoid that place, or peers or a wrong relationship,
against which God is warning you. Do not go on and fall into a ditch. Be thankful
for the peace of God and let it rule your heart always.
- Ask for the heavenly wisdom
James 3:17 goes like this: But the wisdom
that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield,
full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.
If you read the previous verses of this
chapter, the Bible also talks about earthly, sensual and demonic wisdom. This
kind of earthly wisdom is self-seeking, envious and bitter. In your workplace,
you will find that people play politics; they gossip for a devious cause and
try to make you stumble-and the world thinks that this kind of people who do
that are street-smart! Hypocrisy, to them, is not bad at all!
But for us as believers, God’s wisdom is
also God’s peace. Short term gains can never compensate what God has planned
for those who trust Him. Be gentle and merciful, without hypocrisy in your
God-given wisdom. Let peace continue…
- Seek peace with fellow-men
1 Peter 3:11 encourages us: …turn away from
evil and do good; … seek peace and pursue it.
Peter is talking about peace in our
relationships. Start with people you are close to-your spouse. Do you seek
peace in your relationship? Do not just seek peace, but also pursue peace! What
about your relationship with your family members-maybe your children, or your
father or mother, or brothers and sisters? The rule is the same: Seek peace and
pursue it. Do good!
Also look at Romans 12:18 that says: If it
is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Seek peace with your neighbours; peace in
your workplace. Jesus said to His disciples during that Sermon on the Mount:
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
If you read further in Matt. 5, we can know
who the ‘peace-makers’ are-they are those that love their enemies, and pray for
those who persecute them. Show love to all unconditionally; for we are sons of
our Father in heaven and sons of peace.
Let me close with the benediction found in
2 Thess. 3:16: Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every
way. The Lord be with you all. Amen.
(Message by Pastor Philip Joseph)
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Under God’s Mighty Hand
God's mighty hand,
humble yourselves,
(Message by Pastor Philip Joseph. Hoping I haven't missed much. Happy reading!)
Please turn with me to 1 Peter 5: 6-11: Let me read three verses now beginning from verse 6. And at
the end of the message, I would like to finish off with the last three verses
i.e., verses 9-11.
1 Peter 5:6-8
Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God,
that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares
for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about
like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
Though we are redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus
Christ, we are not out of potential danger as long as we walk on the face of
this earth. A real adversary is out there, prowling and seeking whom he may
devour. Our adversary- the devil, is quite the schemer from times past; we must
be aware of his schemes; we must be alert; and we must avoid the pit-falls he
has laid out for us.
Sin entered this universe long before Adam sinned. Yes, the
morning star-Lucifer was cast down from heaven, along with his cronies, when he
rebelled against God. He was in the very presence of God, involved in adoration
and worship of the Creator. Yet, he schemed there too! Pride became his ornament and his
rebellion led to his downfall- and not his alone, we read in Rev. 12:4 that he swept away a third of the stars of heaven with his tail. And as the Devil went about seeking someone to devour, he
found Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. He schemed and tempted them, and they
too fell! Adam and Eve too, were found to rebel against God’s commands. And sin
entered the human race.
As we hear the news around us of civil protests against government
authorities, labor union protests against the management in manufacturing
companies, and political party protests one against the other, we may tend to
think that rebellion is not such a BIG issue. Yes, it happens even in homes-
children against parents, spouses against each other; in offices, in industries,
in villages and towns. But, the Holy Bible clearly warns us that
rebellion-against God-appointed authority, is a serious issue.
As Adam fell to the cunning schemes of the Devil, a poison
of rebellion has been injected into the blood-stream of the human race.
Rebellion has found its way into the hearts of men. And it is a warning for all
of us that we do not take it lightly-the sin of rebellion! I know, none of us
will dabble in the occult or practice divination; nor will anyone bow before
idols. But if you look at 1 Sam. 15:23, the Bible says: For rebellion is as the
sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.
Beloved, the truth is that the sin of rebellion is equated
to witchcraft; and stubbornness (or insubordination) is equated to idolatry! Therefore,
we must understand the gravity of what Peter is talking about- being under
God’s mighty hand, in submission and in humility. For if we walk away from
God’s protection, there is a scheming one, full of rage and set to devour.
Now it is our choice to humble ourselves; (we CANNOT ask or pray to God,
to make us humble!). And it is also our choice to rebel. Therefore our safe and secure
position is conditional-humbling ourselves under God's mighty hand.
Humble Under God
1 Peter 4:19 says: Therefore let those who suffer according
to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good, as to a faithful
There are times we go through sufferings. Peter is writing
to the disciples of Jesus who were going through persecution. Maybe they would
have been looking for some words from Peter that would propel them to DO
something; but on the contrary, what Peter writes is: Submit and Suffer. Does
that sound strange to you? But Peter understood God’s will in those situations.
Circumstances and people may be against us. It is for you to
look up and see whether you are under God’s mighty hand. And in such
situations, humble yourselves. God speaks to us; His word speaks comfort to our
hearts. And He who knows the future, is already working HIS will on your
behalf. Forgive those who have hurt you during those sufferings; and
forgive people who owe you money. God’s mighty hand, His word for us and His
will in our sufferings, are all things we must understand.
Humble Under Authority
1 Peter 2:13 says: Therefore submit yourselves to every
ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake, whether to the king as supreme, or to
Now what do you say to those disciples suffering persecution
under such an emperor as Nero? Peter’s instruction is clear: Submit yourselves…
for the Lord’s sake. The whole realm of our lives should portray a walk of
humility. It is easy, maybe, to submit to good governors and sensible
authority. But imagine a cruel emperor as Nero… and the disciples being asked
to submit to him! Are we not in a better position than they who suffered? The
only time we will not submit to the governor or leader is, when God’s word
clearly indicates the opposite!
The attitude of submission must be visible in our homes, in our churches and in
our workplaces. For the Bible says in 1 Peter 2:18, that employees must be
subject to their own employers, and not just the good ones. 1 Peter 3:1 calls
for wives to submit to their own husbands; even to those who do not obey the
word, because they can be won over by the conduct of the wives. Eph. 6:1
instructs children to be obedient to their parents. It is by this that we honor
our father and mother; Jesus Himself being our example. And in the church, the
young men ought to be subject to elders (1 Peter 5:5). In all these, if only we
would look up, we can see God’s mighty hand over us, and we know we are secure. Therefore we must submit to all authority for the Lord's sake.
I have been through enough to know that many times it is easy to submit, and things go well for a long time. But then there comes a time, when there is a temptation to resist and rebel. It is in those times that we must remember the words of Peter: Humble ourselves – His mighty hand, His comforting rod and staff, even through pain and suffering, is real; as real or more than the enemy outside, waiting to devour.
Let me close with the verses from 1 Peter 5:9-11.
Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same
sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. But may the God of
all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have
suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen and settle you.
To Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.
Beloved, this time on earth is a probationary period-much
like those you are familiar with as you join a new job. Our permanent place of
calling is something much, much better- His eternal glory by Christ Jesus. And
during this probationary period, we are asked to resist the devil, be steadfast
in faith, and suffer for a while. God is working to perfect, establish, strengthen
and settle us; To Him belongs all glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Jesus said to His disciples: "These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full." – John 15:11
It is my prayer today that you do, not just
hear and understand this intellectually, but also experience the joy Jesus
gives. This joy that we are speaking is not some imagined ‘feel good’ factor of
knowing God, nor is it related to what is happening around us; it is not some
psychological advice to bring health to your body; This JOY that Jesus gives,
is real, tangible and experiential. Jesus says, that our heart will rejoice and that no one will be able to take it away
from us! (John 16:22)
What this means to us is that there is a
joy that is permanent; yes, everlasting joy- an overflowing, abundant, never-ceasing
joy, in Jesus Christ. And in that prayer of John 17, Jesus prayed for His
disciples: ...that they may have My joy fulfilled in themselves. (John 17:13)
We have joy that is not dependent on
circumstances around us; nor situations and seasons that we go through. Therefore,
never lose the joy that Jesus has given you. Paul writes from a prison cell
(the last place anyone would imagine for a joy-filled life, let alone encourage
others to be filled with joy) saying: Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will
say, rejoice! (Phil. 4:4). One can imagine Paul as he writes this, being filled
with extreme joy; and he makes doubly sure others too know what he is talking
about, he says...(in case you did not get what I am saying, the first time)
Again, I will say, rejoice!
Beloved, it is God’s will for us to be filled with joy always. Because it is His joy that He is giving us! Look at Psalm 32:11. It says: Be glad in the LORD and rejoice, you righteous; and shout for joy, all you upright in heart! These are God’s commands to follow- that we be glad and rejoice... and shout for joy!
Beloved, it is God’s will (1 Thess. 5:16) and
God’s command for us to be filled with joy. Rejoice! Now what do you do when
you are filled with joy? I do not know about you, but during my drives, I often
sing! Psalm 33:1 says: Rejoice in the LORD, O you righteous! For praise from
the upright is beautiful. And yet again in Psalm 118:24: This is the day that
the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. Therefore, each day of
your life, as you wake up in the morning, notwithstanding your circumstances,
obey the Lord’s command: Rejoice!
- We rejoice for what God has done for us in the past;
- We rejoice for what God is doing for us today;
- We rejoice knowing what God has kept in store for us, someday yonder!
God’s Done Joy
We can be filled with joy, “Giving thanks
to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the
saints in the light.” (Col. 1:12) O what a wonderful, wonderful day, Day I will
never forget...After I wandered in darkness away, Jesus-my Savior, I met! From
the kingdom of darkness, into His kingdom of light-what a transforming
selection! Yes, we have been qualified by our Father in heaven!
I remember as a small kid, when they used
to divide teams, and being filled with joy for being selected in one team or
the other. Think about our national selection-being able to represent the
country in any sport; what a joy! But we, as God’s people, have something of far
more value than any national selection- being qualified by our heavenly Father!
What a joyous moment for us-when the transaction was made quickly by our Father,
to purchase us by the precious blood of Jesus Christ-God’s own Son.
Jesus, while He was on this earth, told His
disciples: “...do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but
rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.” (Luke 10:20). It is
wonderful to have a ministry... of working miracles and driving out demons...
but we rather rejoice in this: our names are written in heaven. Our selection
is sure! Rejoice!
Do not wait for some ‘gift’ from God to be
filled with joy. The best Gift is already given-Jesus Christ, God’s only
begotten Son... Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift.
God’s Doing Joy
Eph. 5:18-19 says: And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always...
Paul uses the present continuous tense to
describe the joy being filled with the Holy Spirit: singing and making melody
in your heart... Yes, Joy is a heart condition, and every day, we must seek a fresh
infilling of joy that comes from His indwelling Spirit. God’s kingdom is
righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17). The kingdom
life is so full of joy-not yesterday’s but today and each new day!
Jesus has promised that he will supply our
lack, if only we ask... and our joy will be made full. Our joy is our
birthright-being born into the family of God! God is willing... and God is able
to supply all our needs. Paul, while in prison in Rome, rejoiced greatly... when
God miraculously supplied his lack, by sending help and finance from the church
at Philippi (Phil. 4:10). God will make thw wilderness blossom; and bring out
streams in the desert. God is willing; God is able; and God will do it for
you-trust Him. Rejoice!
God’s Will-Do Joy
James 1:2 gives a radical view of joy. It says: My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.
It is not a question of if, it just a question of when we fall into various trials; our God is a God of reason and purpose, and He has some special plan for each one of us. But in His general plan for all His saints, He wants yyou and I to have patience. What joy, if only we could count it! There may be others who fret and worry about what is happening, while we, knowing what God will do, can be filled with joy, as we wait to see our faith displayed. Maybe we don’t understand what is happening around us-but we do know and count what is happening within us-patience.
The challenge before us is whether we will be people who only see with natural eyes, or are we willing to see by faith? Habakkuk had this tremendous reason and faith for joy-he just chose to rejoice in spite of the circumstances. It says in Hab. 3:17-19 “Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines; though the labor of the olive may fail, and the fields yield no food; though the flock may be cut off from the fold, and there be no herd in the stalls- yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The LORD God is my strength; ...” A bleak, dreary and gloomy today does not mean any lack of joy in the believer’s life. It is just another reason proving God’s faithfulness to us and an occasion for us to count it all joy. Therefore we rejoice!
Call it the kingdom lifestyle, if you wish; the truth is that joy does not depend on what we see now! Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Rom. 15:13). If you are a Habakkuk in the making, you are a kingdom person... and no circumstance is going to put you down. Rejoice!
If you are really joyful, show it in your face. Let your spouse and those close to you know you as a joyful person; everyone who meets you must sense your inward joy. Our God is a joyful Person. It is written about Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, that He endured the cross, despising the shame because a joy was set before Him. (Heb. 12:2). And it is His joy that He has given us; and it is His joy that abides in us and it becomes our joy. For God anoints our head with oil; and our cup runs over (Psalm 23:5). In His presence there is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). And the ransomed of the Lord shall sing for joy-with everlasting joy on their heads (Isaiah 35:10).
Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. (1 Cor. 2:9)
I remember being filled with a sense of joy on going abroad the first time; and seeing Germany-all neat and tidy, my heart was filled with joy. And seeing New York city in the US, filled with grandeur and majesty, I was overwhelmed by what I saw. But beloved, we are going to a better place! I am sure we will be floored, my brothers by what we see on that day! There is no place like that here on earth... a place filled with glory, and a city bright; God Himself being the light. And there is a Person waiting for us, who is full of glory (1 Peter 1:4-6).
I have written (spoken) in so many words (more than 1500 words) of the importance of every believer being filled with joy. It is God’s will, and it is God’s command that we must do and obey! Rejoice! Let me close with just two words; even if you forget all that I have spoken, remember these two words from 1 Thess. 5:16: REJOICE ALWAYS! It is the will of God-the Father, God-the Son Jesus, and God-the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
God’s Plan and Purpose (Part-5)
God's plan,
(Message by Pastor Philip Joseph. Plan your mission. Happy reading!)
Yes, this is the Great Commission; Not only did Jesus invite
all saying, “Come to Me” (John 7:37) but He also said GO FOR ME! We have been
created for a MISSION .
And that mission is to represent our Lord Jesus on this earth; GO for Him.
Jesus wants us to be His spokesperson, His ambassadors, reconciling the people
of this world to Him. This is a great privilege given to us; it is not given to
the angels and other heavenly creatures, but to ALL BELIEVERS.
with Words
For He {God the Father} made Him {Jesus} who knew no sin to
be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. (2 Cor.
5:21). This is our preaching, this is the word of reconciliation. Many people
cannot see or hear from God directly, but they can see us and hear us speak the
word of reconciliation. Beloved, lo He is with you always; and therefore you
must fulfil your MISSION .
Romans 10:14 says: How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not
believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And
how shall they hear without a preacher?
with Compassion
We are in these interesting times, living a fast-paced and
busy lifestyle. I know each one of us have our own schedules, agenda- a plan
that we would want to fulfil, for that day. And in our rushing about, we tend
to ignore the people in need around us, and do our ‘own thing’.
with Essence
We, as believers, ought to be under His influence- and
Christ’s love should control us. Jesus is the light of this world (John 8:12). But
Jesus also said to His disciples on that day, in the Sermon on the Mount: You are
the light of the world (Matt. 5:14). We are called to be the visible
influence to those around us in darkness. Matt. 5:13 says that we are also the
salt of the earth; and it is the invisible influence that we leave in others.
The Bible also talks about believers being the fragrance of Christ (2 Cor. 2:15). These spiritual qualities of having (salt) the essence, showing (light) the essence and spreading (fragrance) the essence-of Christ in us, must mark the life of every believer.
with Due Diligence
Peter encourages us: But sanctify the Lord God in your
hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason
for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear. (1 Peter 3:15)
with Discipline and Goal
Paul says: Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus
I fight: not as one who beats the air. (1 Cor. 9:26)
Have a balnced view on ALL of God's purposes (and not just one or two; even some churches are guilty of concentrating on one or two of God's purposes). May God give us a revelation of His purposes for our lives, and may we live a purpose driven life and finish our work here on earth. And finally, we want to hear these words from our Master: Well done, good and faithful servant… Enter into the joy of the Lord. Amen.
We have been talking about God’s Plan and Purpose for quite
some time now. And today I would conclude it with the fifth purpose that God
has in store for each one of us. As we see His wondrous plan, and understand
His purpose- in us, for us and through us, we must align our lives more and
more to fulfil those things that are revealed to us. We can go after it with a
passion for God and His purposes.
The fifth purpose that I want to share today is found in
Matt. 28:18-20.
And Jesus came and spoke to them saying, “All authority has
been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all
the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and
lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

Our going out for Him is not based on assumption, or
presumption, but is based on this great commission; we are SENT out by Jesus
into the nations of the world and with His authority we GO.
John 20:21 says “As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” And our mission statement is reconciliation- reconciliation between God and man. Jesus came from heaven to do the reconciliation between God and the sinful man, by paying the price of sin-even death on the cross; and we are called to reconcile God and man by preaching the remission of sins (salvation) in the name of Jesus, appealing to those who would listen. 1 Cor 5:20 goes like this: Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.
John 20:21 says “As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” And our mission statement is reconciliation- reconciliation between God and man. Jesus came from heaven to do the reconciliation between God and the sinful man, by paying the price of sin-even death on the cross; and we are called to reconcile God and man by preaching the remission of sins (salvation) in the name of Jesus, appealing to those who would listen. 1 Cor 5:20 goes like this: Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.
My mind goes back to the parable of Jesus about the Good
Samaritan: Here was a man wounded by robbers and almost dying right on the
road. Yet, there was the Levite and the Priest who pass him by on the other
side. Maybe they too had their schedules and agenda, and were busy fulfilling
them. But then, there was the Samaritan, who had compassion on the wounded traveller.
Of course, the Samaritan too had schedules (who doesn’t!), and that is why he
told the inn-keeper that he will make further payments on his return.
Now, what is important in mission is compassion. That is why
we say PASSION FOR GOD and COMPASSION FOR PEOPLE. It is good to have
passion for God; but to fulfil the great commission we also need great
compassion for His people. The Pharisees got it all wrong, when they thought that
all they were doing and did was to fulfil God’s law. Jesus chides them in Matt. 9:13 saying:
“But go and learn what this means: I desire mercy {compassion} and not
You are going to miss out on one of God’s purposes, if you
do not “go and learn” compassion. If our believing in Jesus is true, then God’s
love has already been poured out into our hearts. Paul says in 2 Cor. 5:14 “For
the love of Christ compels [controls] us…”
The Bible also talks about believers being the fragrance of Christ (2 Cor. 2:15). These spiritual qualities of having (salt) the essence, showing (light) the essence and spreading (fragrance) the essence-of Christ in us, must mark the life of every believer.
Paul says: For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for
it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes… (Romans 1:16)
Jesus said: I must work the works of Him who sent Me while
it is day; the night is coming when no one can work. (John 9:4)
If you are a youth, time and health are in your favour; and
the mission can take wings as you move about. For in old age, though your
spirit will be willing, the flesh may become weak. We, in India , have
freedom now to preach the gospel- it is still day here; and so we can work the
works of Jesus, who sent us on this great commission. There may come a night
time, even before Jesus’ return, when no one can work.
If you do not have the discipline within you, your fighting
would be vain- just beating the air. If you do not have a goal, your race is
bound to end sooner than later. That is why it is important to find your
purpose in God.
Think about your close relatives and friends; people who
have not heard of the remission of sins in Christ Jesus and who have not been
reconciled to God. We, as His disciples, have been commissioned just to be His
mouth-piece. In this commission we are in, we must move with compassion, and
work with diligence, and aim for the crown of completion. God is with us; He
has given us authority, for we are His ambassadors. He will make all the arrangements
for our stay and travel here- Surely He will make a way.
Let me quickly recap on the FIVE purposes of God for each
one of us:
- We have been created FOR HIM, and for His pleasure. Therefore our lives must revolve around Him, just as the planets revolve around the sun. Our primary purpose here is to a God-centric life.
- We are created to BECOME LIKE JESUS. We are being changed from sinful human race, and are being renewed and transformed day by day to conform to the image of Christ Jesus. Every person, and every situation and every trial in our lives are driving us toward this purpose for which we were created.
- We have been created FOR HIS FAMILY of God’s children. We are not alone; we are called for fellowship with one another in the body of Christ. Love for God is demonstrated by our love for one another. We ARE family because of Jesus.
- We have been created FOR SERVICE. We have been ‘shaped’ to serve God with all that we have. And that includes our spiritual gifts, our heart’s passion, our abilities and talents, our personality and every painful and joyful experience.
- We are created FOR a MISSION of reconciliation of those lost to our one God in Christ. Having a passion for God and a compassion for the people, will help us go the full way in fulfilling God’s mission in our sphere of influence. Being His mouth-piece, we must work with diligence and aim for completion.
Have a balnced view on ALL of God's purposes (and not just one or two; even some churches are guilty of concentrating on one or two of God's purposes). May God give us a revelation of His purposes for our lives, and may we live a purpose driven life and finish our work here on earth. And finally, we want to hear these words from our Master: Well done, good and faithful servant… Enter into the joy of the Lord. Amen.
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