(Message by Pastor Joseph, NLMI)
It is a joy to be in your midst once again. You see, happiness depends upon happenings; but joy is in your spirit-in your inner being. That is why, when Jesus was conceived in Mary’s womb, she announces, ‘…my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.’ (Luke 1:46).
Today I want to talk about something that gives you encouragement, motivation and strength to all those who wait on the Lord. God’s will always lead us to victory in every crisis of our life. But how we handle the crisis is very important. Did you know that the word ‘crisis’ also means ‘opportunity’ in the Chinese language? Isn’t that a good way to look at all those crisis situations you are facing in your life?
Just one word from Him can change the course of history! Just one letter can change your life story and lead you to your goal! If a sinner’s repentance can change his life in a night, how much more God is willing to do and bless His children every moment of our lives? You see, we are on a journey to our home. If the Lord tarries, we will be carried by angels, according to the word of God, into the presence of God Himself… Jesus said, ‘I go to prepare a place for you…that where I am you may be also’. And so it is not of importance how long you live-but how you live! It is not important what happens to you, but rather what happens in you!
James 5:16 takes about a man with a nature like ours! Elijah! Do you want to know what that means? Elijah – a man with a nature just like ours? He was just like you and me. But with him, there were three things that changed the course of history in those times…
- REQUEST (or PRAYER): Elijah prayed earnestly to a God who answers prayers… According to His own word, He has said: Call to Me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. (Jer. 33:3). And ‘If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land’ (2 Chr. 7:14)
- RAIN: Elijah prayed that there would be no rain; and there was no rain for 3 years and 6 months. He prayed again for rain, and there were showers of blessing. How lovely is it to look at the fields and mountains in this monsoon season in Mumbai… with the earth responding in splendor greenery-fresh and beautiful. This is a connection between heaven and earth; when the heavens open up, the hidden things on earth is brought to the open… so is the case when people are brought from the darkness into His marvelous light!
- REVIVAL: The Lord forgives their sins and heals their land. There is revival! When God calls you, there is always enough and to spare, to fulfill His divine purposes in your life. That is why it is written, ‘Seek first the
...’kingdom ofGod
How we need God to fill us! There is a mistaken saying that goes: God helps those who help themselves. I ask you, if you can help yourself, why do you need God? I say, God helps those who can’t help themselves. Let us go to the life of Elijah in 1 Kings, chapter 17. Out of the blue- I don’t know why God picks people like that- but that’s the way He does it; out of the blue, there is suddenly this man Elijah, the Tishbite – a prince and a prophet. A similar instance in the New Testament is that of John the Baptist – yes, just picked out of the blue ‘There was a man sent from God whose name was…John” (John 1:6). Oh yes…there are many other examples – Moses: called, chosen and found faithful as he led the people of God to the Promised Land.
Yes, out of the blue came Elijah…and he had something to say to the king Ahab; and it was BAD news. Imagine the audacity and courage of this man-Elijah! How could he do this? The first verse in 1 Kings 17 gives us a clue: …“As the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, except at my word.” I can imagine terror gripping mortal men, as they utter or hear these words; but the key is, if you know how to stand before God, you will be able to stand before any man!
Practically, how can we learn to stand before God? It is to meditate on His word day and night. The first chapters of Joshua and Psalm talk about this. If you do this, you will get caught up by the word of God, and the promises of God. How can we hear God’s voice, if we do not know His word? How can we know faith, if we have not heard from Him? For faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Otherwise, we will only be people of doubt and unbelief.
The Bible says only in verse 2, that ‘…the word of the Lord came to Elijah…’: How then did Elijah- a man with a nature like ours, speak what he spoke to the king Ahab like this: ‘… except at my word’ (v1). The secret, my friend, is his close communion with God: Elijah prayed… and then his word became God’s word, and God’s word became his word… and there was no rain in the land! If you are willing to pay that price, and learn to stand before God, I tell you-the whole of heaven will back you up ....
Now imagine the wrath of the king on hearing this. God, not only protected Elijah from the king’s hand; (he could have been beheaded then and there;) but also made a WAY to escape. In verses 2, 3 and 4 God spoke to Elijah: Then the word of the Lord came to him, saying, “Get away from here and turn eastward, and hide by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan . And it will be that you shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there.” (1 Kings 17: 2, 3, 4).
The PROVISION of the Lord is so wonderful: There is first the NATURAL provision… Elijah is to drink water from the Brook Cherith that flows into Jordan , during his time of hiding, according to God’s word.
Then comes the UNNATURAL provision – the ravens will feed him! One would wonder, 'You mean, those crows- those filthy, unclean and selfish birds that would even steal from you at every oppurtunity-those birds?’ Yes, the same old crows will bring bread and meat in the morning, and bread and meat in the evening! Not just any one 'odd' fellow of the crow breed-but, many crows. Not just any day's occasional food-drop-as if by mistake; but the ravens brought food, obeying the command of the Lord, day-in and day-out for many days… (Read verses 6 and 7). It seems to me that maybe, man would disobey God time and time again…but those crows did just what He commanded. You know the story of how Balaam was rebuked by a donkey! A talking donkey and Balaam reasoning with it to obey him instead! That is why, it is written, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.” (Prov. 3: 5, 6).
Then comes the UNNATURAL provision – the ravens will feed him! One would wonder, 'You mean, those crows- those filthy, unclean and selfish birds that would even steal from you at every oppurtunity-those birds?’ Yes, the same old crows will bring bread and meat in the morning, and bread and meat in the evening! Not just any one 'odd' fellow of the crow breed-but, many crows. Not just any day's occasional food-drop-as if by mistake; but the ravens brought food, obeying the command of the Lord, day-in and day-out for many days… (Read verses 6 and 7). It seems to me that maybe, man would disobey God time and time again…but those crows did just what He commanded. You know the story of how Balaam was rebuked by a donkey! A talking donkey and Balaam reasoning with it to obey him instead! That is why, it is written, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.” (Prov. 3: 5, 6).
How could this be? Unnatural-for the crow to give instead of taking! And by the way, I wonder how and where the crows got their meat and bread in the morning and in the evening! It’s simple to reason, that they stole from other places to feed Elijah… and I would hazard a guess that the place would be no less than the king’s palace itself! For it was a famine in the land – no water, no food for the common man. But the king’s palace would have had food!
Trust Him! He will command the crows to bring you a blessing! There was a time in my life too when there was a great financial need… we, my wife and I, had already decided that we would not borrow from anyone-not even from the bank! I went to the balcony one day, during that time, thinking on how God would provide for my need. There was a soft breeze, the coconut trees... and my eyes fell on the clothes hanging out there to dry…and I noticed a lump I one of my pants’ pockets. I went near and took out from it meat, albeit covered with ants, deposited there by some crow… Then these words struck me: The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening; and he drank from the brook (v6).
Yes, it is an adventurous journey to live by faith… God called me when I was jobless, homeless and penniless! And I became a steward of many crores later on with TV ministry...and thousands of churches. It is the Lord’s doing; and it is marvelous in our eyes. I can identify with Paul and say: I count it all next to nothing and rubbish and loss… for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus who found me (Phil. 3:8).
Yes, it is an adventurous journey to live by faith… God called me when I was jobless, homeless and penniless! And I became a steward of many crores later on with TV ministry...and thousands of churches. It is the Lord’s doing; and it is marvelous in our eyes. I can identify with Paul and say: I count it all next to nothing and rubbish and loss… for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus who found me (Phil. 3:8).
So, here was Elijah having his holiday by the Brook Cherith. Free food, free water and no need to work! Suddenly there came the next level of difficulty – the Brook dried up, because of the drought and the crows disappeared! Tell me truly, how you would feel if your job is taken away? Or, if your savings bank collapses or, the stock markets come crashing down? ‘What did I do wrong?’ And I can also assure you that tongues will wag around you on seeing your condition… back-biting of secret sin, Satan’s muse… Then, would you still be singing, ‘You give and take away…Blessed be Your name’? But, I am so glad Elijah waited to hear from God again… Yes, he did not blame anybody; not the Brook, nor the ravens, nor the situations, nor the circumstances; neither God, nor the devil; but he looked up and waited. Why don’t you do the same-don’t blame anyone; but look up, and live…
Then came the SUPERNATURAL provision. From the individual provision God was moving up Elijah to provide for an entire household (family provision). {And then later, Elijah would move up to provide (rain) for the entire land (national provision)}. A widow, almost dying with hunger, would provide for Elijah for the rest of the famine days! A miraculous provision of flour and oil – that will never cease till the famine is over!
The process of waiting and walking in faith is a painful one. It is quite a hard decision to follow at all costs the voice of the Master. Elijah was a lonely man, when he obeyed. But he counted that with God, he is always in the majority… He and his God equaled majority. Time is short for me to go on about the ANGELIC provision to Elijah; of how he was strengthened in the Lord – both naturally and spiritually.
This is to count the cost of discipleship. Do you want to believe and follow Jesus as your only Lord? He will allow you to go through the waters – but you will NOT BE DROWNED! He will allow you to walk through the fire – but YOU WILL NOT be consumed! If we want to please God, let us lay aside every weight that so easily entangles us, and let us run the race with endurance… with perseverance.
It is time to come back to the cross! If you have started out as a Christian and find yourself at cross-roads now, please come back to the cross! Remember, you began at the cross; a wonderful exchange – Heaven came down and glory filled your soul, when at the cross your Savior made you whole. Your sins were washed away and your night was turned to day! When you started the Christian life, the cross was before you, and the world behind! How do you find yourself today-Is the cross still before you? In the mount of the Lord, it shall be provided. He is Jehovah Jireh-our Provider!
Calvary, O Calvary! The wonderful place of God's provision ...Jesus died for you and me. And so, we receive riches eternal and blessings supernal...
May God grant you to find His provision. Amen.
Calvary, O Calvary! The wonderful place of God's provision ...Jesus died for you and me. And so, we receive riches eternal and blessings supernal...
May God grant you to find His provision. Amen.
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