Sunday, August 28, 2011

Special Assignment

(Message by Pastor S. Joseph, Founder, NLMI)

Praise God for this day that the Lord has made. Here we are all eager and willing to worship Him- our Lord Jesus, who loved us and washed us. As we sang the song “Change our lives…” I am prompted again to remind you that it is one thing to come here and sing some nice songs, but going out walking in obedience is quite another thing.

We all want change, don’t we? We do not want to be the same person we were, but somebody better. But let me remind you that change does not happen, unless we make a CHOICE. Good things do not happen to us by CHANCE… you are here blessed now because of some decisions- some choices that you made in the past. And how many of you know that it is sometimes really difficult to be willing and to change!

So, here I am, completing 79 years and pressing on to eighties and I know that this is not the age of Remington typewriters. That era is gone. So now, I have to submit to an 8-year old, (that I do willingly, because she is my grand-daughter, and a good teacher) to learn about computers, about opening e-mails, sending SMS, and even using facebook. I have come to understand that unless we change, we will be left behind!

The same is true of the kingdom of God. Are you willing? Do you want to stay here or go ahead? I tell you, if you are willing to change, the whole heaven will back you! The moment we decide in our mind, believe in our heart, see by faith and walk in obedience to His word, His Spirit will strengthen us both to will and to do His good pleasure. Hallelujah!

You know God can do anything. But He won’t do it against your will! [Otherwise He will be found in violation of His own laws]. Because God created man in His own image and gave him the ability to prosper, and to be fruitful and to fill the earth and to subdue it; and have dominion over every living thing [Gen. 1:28]. This is the ideal law- you can either accept it or reject it, but you cannot alter it. You and I are called to do this- where we are not under the circumstances, nor above our circumstances, but actually create our circumstances. That is why Paul writes: For all things are yours: whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas, or the world or life or death, or things present or things to come-all are yours. And you are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s. [1 Cor. 3:21]

Only, if you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land [Isa. 1:19]. I tell you, if you are willing to take ONE step towards God, He is willing to take 1000 steps for you… What a mighty God we serve! The God of Israel is OUR God; and the rejected Messiah of the Jews is OUR Messiah! We have come closer to God, because the Jews were unwilling! Therefore, know who you are in Christ… and be willing. The circumstances do not matter… because even if the seed is still in the barn… and the olive tree have not yielded fruit, God says, “From this day I will bless you.” [Haggai 2:19]

Are you religious or a radical / revolutionary? Because if you are religious, then God help you! Because religion cannot take you one step further than where you are. But only the revelation will lead you from one glory to another. Let us have this ‘achiever’ mindset, rather than toiling in ‘average’ mindset. [Mediocrity is killing us!]

Turn with me to the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ and read the first chapter. Rev. 1:1-20. There are verses from here that I want to share with you today.


Verse 3: Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.
Mark out these three things that we must do: READ, HEAR and KEEP those things that are written in this book. If you do these, you are already BLESSED.


And verses 5 and 6 here talk about those things that Jesus Christ has done for us: He loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and made us kings and priests to His God and Father…

Jesus loved us: with an everlasting love… agape love. Human love is based on reciprocation- the ‘because’ love; because you did this, I love you. But God’s love, the divine love, the love that excels all other love, is not based on your condition; it is the ‘in spite of’ love! In spite of being the person that we are, God loves us. It is His love that has drawn us here together, and many around the world, (about maybe 1/3rd of the 7 billion people on earth) to gather together and worship Him. We love Him because He first loved us.

His blood washed us clean: Jesus has cleansed us by His own blood that takes away all our sins. In the old covenant, people sacrificed animals whose blood only covered their sins (and not washed away); and they had to do the sacrifice year after year. But in contrast, the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sins. John the Baptist bore witness to Jesus saying: Behold, the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the whole world! What a wonderful privilege we have, to walk guilt-free and clean here on earth.

He made us kings and priests (or kingdom priests): Do you believe this- that He has made you, each one of you here, as priests unto God? I can see that not many are confident about this, if asked “Are you kingdom priest?” But that is why I say, we do not need religion, but revelation! Then you will say “God, whatever you say here for me is true and I believe it and take it” What a grand calling-priests unto God! What a position to be in day in and day out! Now position always goes together with responsibility. There has to be accountability and transparency in all your dealings. We are His ministers, and if we continue with responsibility, then promotion will come automatically.


Every one of you has a special assignment from God. It does not matter how young you are or how old you are! Abraham was called out when he was 75 years old; and Moses was 80 years old and having completed 40 years looking after the sheep of his father-in-law in the wilderness when he turned to see the wondrous burning bush; and Apostle John was in his nineties and banished to a lonely island when he saw those things he writes about. There is a special assignment for which you are anointed, and appointed to complete that particular task.

You can imagine the old Apostle John faithful in the church, preaching and encouraging young believers. But God had a special assignment and there was a shaking in the church; and the Roman authorities not being able to put John to death, took the aged man and imprisoned him and then banished him to the island of Patmos. Yes, the road may be tough and many a times God does not reveal before-hand what is in store for those called to do the special assignment.

Now that would have shattered the soul of any man! What happens to you when you take that path? Do you look for justice from God? Or do you imagine justice will prevail in the world? Do you say to yourself “Here I am- a faithful man of God and in my old age; how dare they touch me”? Or do you say to God “Please intervene and help”? Do you want to know what Apostle John said?

Rev.1:10 say: I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day, and I heard behind me a loud voice, as of a trumpet...

That is why I said, you can be under the circumstances or over the circumstances; but there is a better way that you create the circumstances ... it all depends on your attitude in times of crisis. Your attitude will bless you or it may break you; because it reveals your character- are you really the person you show to the world? There may be two opinions even within the church! 1 Cor. 11:19 says: For there must also be factions among you, that those who are approved may be recognized among you.

So, when there are factions and divisions even within the church, pray and seek the Lord; for what is of flesh will fall away, while what is of the Spirit will be revealed. In Antioch, the Holy Spirit commanded to set apart Paul and Barnabas for the evangelistic ministry. And they started out on their first missionary journey. They had wonderful and miraculous experiences of God’s work in and through them. But on the start of their second journey, there was a sharp difference between Paul and Barnabas. The contention was about whether to take Mark who was Barnabas’ nephew; and Paul was not in agreement. And they became divided and Barnabas took Mark and went on his journey, while Paul took Silas and went. But later on, in the Acts of the Apostles, we hear only about Paul and Silas.


Apostle John’s special assignment was to write in a book what he saw, and send it to the seven churches which are in Asia (Rev.1:11). In his old age, and alone in the island of Patmos, God spells out John’s assignment.

Rev. 1:12, 13 continues: Then I turned to see the voice that spoke with me. And having turned I saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band.

Rev. 1:17-19: And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on me saying, saying to me, “Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last. I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.”

Write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after this.

John heard God’s voice; John turned to see who it was; John saw the One like the Son of Man; John fell down at His feet; John heard his specific assignment- to write those things he saw and send it to the seven churches in Asia.

Only one thing is permanent in this world-God and His word. {If you know of anything else, please tell me}. If you neglect His word, how can I help you? My prayer to God and my request to you is this: Please do not neglect God’s Word. Start today! Co-operate with the work of the Holy Spirit. Hear His voice; turn and see; and know that God has called you to complete a specific task- a part of His glorious plan and the purpose of your life here on earth.

It does not matter how old you are! All that matters is whether you are willing or not! Know His blessed work for you; know your position in Christ-washed, cleansed and made kingdom priests; know that God is in control of all things-and with your willing attitude create and ride on your circumstances in the Spirit; hear God’s voice-Obey! May God grant you to fulfil the purpose for which you are here, and bless you from this day forward, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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