Sunday, April 22, 2012

One Thing

(Message by Pastor S. Joseph, Founder NLMI. Happy changing!)
It’s good to look at this year 2012 as the year of change; but, I know that if change does not start with me, I will see no change in others. From 2 Cor. 3:18, we know we look into the Book and change; but if I wear a mask (of law, legalism, religiosity… or whatever it may be), I can only see myself in the Book, and the change process will stop. But if we remove the veil (mask) and look into the Book, we will see Jesus… and change takes shape from glory to glory… to glory.

I have learnt that I should treat everyone with kindness-no matter if they are rich, poor, literate, illiterate, aged, young… because they all go through a lot, whether they tell you or not! And I am also (still) learning to help people in their need-it may not always be financial need, but there are so many other ways that people may be helped. These are all practical ways to grow into the likeness of Jesus. People, when they look at you and me, must see not just a preacher, but a practitioner… and what will be your benefit? I tell you, it will be poured back into your lap-good measure, pressed down and running over. I have heard this saying: “In the time of need, sow the seed”-this is true, because one day, the seed will become a plant, then a tree and then a forest!
I see young people, with so much talent and gifts, seeking, striving and suffering-worried about their careers, worried about life-partners and worried about their future. The elders must not only pray over them and pray for them, but also must guide them. And this is what I want to share with the youth-you must ask the Lord, “Lord, what is that one thing that you want me to do here?” Parents must seek to guide their children, and not to impose their own will and ways in the lives of their children. If James Irwin had not been encouraged by his parents, he would never have walked the moon, bring back rock samples… (Remember, it was the sixties, and a 6-year old’s dream of going to the moon could very much be laughed at!). Much was talked about his moon missions, but his Christian upbringing and beliefs led him to simply put it: “Jesus walking on the earth is more important than man walking on the moon.

You see, the question of suffering is so real to young believers. And like the young lady who met us last week, they ask, “If I am saved in believing in Jesus, why should I go through suffering?” I said this: When we experience salvation in Christ Jesus, we are all born cater-pillars… and God’s intention is for us to be butterflies dancing in the sunlight… and between the crawling cater-pillar and the dancing butterfly, there is just one way (no short-cuts here), it has to go through the cocoon-yes, even die to some extent. You can accept this, or you may reject this, but you cannot alter God’s ways… because going through the cocoon is by choice. But I assure you, His presence will be with you, whether you go through the cocoon, go through the waters or go through the fire… it will NOT harm you. No pain… no gain, and suffering is to gain something spiritual. By and by, the troubles will look so small… and you will develop a thick skin and a tender heart (yes, jibes and barbs is not going to hurt you, but you will be moved with compassion to help others in their need).
So my message today is simple: Find out what that one thing is for you, and fulfil it.

For myself, I can say I have this - a vision for year 2020; and my eyes are fixed for that goal; if the Lord tarries and God wills that I tarry, I must fulfil this 2020 vision. People say, why should I dream for 2020, when I am already in my eighties now… I say, if Moses can start his walk at athe age of 80, and continue to serve God for 40 more years, why should I stop at 80? So, I tell you, EVERYONE, without exception, is chosen and CALLED for that ONE THING they MUST DO.

There is a wonderful lady, hospitable and kind, mentioned in Luke 10: 38-42
I do not know how Martha managed it, but before anyone could blink their eyes, she had Jesus in her home, and became so busy in serving Jesus. I say that is an extraordinary gift-to serve Jesus. But here was her sister-Mary, who had a different gift altogether; she sat at Jesus’ feet and worshipped the Lord. It was not uncommon in those days and in Israel, for women to wash or kiss the feet of leaders, and Mary was doing just that, listening to Jesus with rapt attention. We also see elsewhere, they had a brother-Lazarus, who was a businessman. So, here with the family, here were 3 siblings, all with different gifting. But not all was honky-dory in that house; it is evident that they had some issues among themselves… that needed some sorting. Martha is the first to break the ice… she had probably been waiting for quite some time to air her grievances against her sister, to someone; and when that someone was as important and as close as Jesus in her house, she decided to pour out her troubles. She starts, “Do you NOT CARE…?”

Jesus’ answer was to the point: Martha, Martha…ONE THING is NEEDED. You see, Martha was WORRIED, TROUBLED, she had MANY ISSUES…and FINALLY she COMPLAINED. Mary has CHOSEN that GOOD part {portion}, which will not be taken away from her.
Some say, Worship is that one thing that is important; others say Work is important too, because faith without works is dead. I say, Faith WITHOUT work is Presumption; Faith WITH works is PROMOTION. You see, your work must spring from worship. We receive His love, and we give of ourselves in love. Worship is coming before God and asking Him: Lord, what can I DO for You, today? This has eternal value.

If our WORK (of GIVING and SERVING), springs out of WORSHIP (LOVE for GOD), then we will not complain or blame others for any lack of help.  Spend time with God and His word: “Take time to be holy, speak oft with the Lord; Abide in Him always, and feed on His word.” Do you remember the 5 things to do with His word-the Bible? 1. Read it. 2. Study it; 3. Meditate; 4. Memorize and 5. Speak the word of God.
Have you chosen the good portion of that ONE THING that is needed for you?

Psalm 27: 4 One thing I have desired of the LORD, that will I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in His temple.

Now King David has ONE THING lined up in his life, in spite of his weaknesses, and responsibilities as a king, and being the sweet psalmist of Israel-and that was to give preference to be in God’s presence and to behold His beauty. In God’s presence there is fullness of joy, anointing, victory…
What is your ONE desire? When our desire and HIS desire becomes ONE, then there is no end to SUCCESS. And God will grant you your heart’s desires; you can trust Him today. Talk to Him today, of your ONE DESIRE, and see Him take you places that you have never even dreamt before.

Mark 10:21 Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “ONE THINGYOU LACK: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.”

I have never come across another person in the Bible, to whom Jesus speaks thus. Here was a young ruler, testifying that he keeps all the commandments (that is goodness for you), and lacking just ONE THING- detachment from riches; for he was a very rich man. I have wondered why Jesus should spend so much time with this young ruler, and loving him, and counselling him to sell what he had… but finally found to be a fruitless dialogue, because the rich man was not willing to pay the price... his heart was on money! Probably, he never learned about stewardship and did not know all that he had belonged to God, who is now asking him to sell his goods and give to the poor… the treasures in heaven seemed so distant to this young man. But then, if only he had sold his property, and followed Jesus, he could have had so much treasure in heaven… because in AD70, Jerusalem was destroyed and the Jewish people slain or enslaved by Emperor Titus and his Roman legions!
In contrast to this young ruler, we see in the Old Testament how Elijah called Elisha. Now, Elisha too was a rich young man, and was going about his business, when the mantle of Elijah fell on him. It was Elisha’s call; and he began to follow Elijah with ONE purpose, forsaking all other material possessions. God who sees the future, and who is today present with you, is a God of love. Hear Him. If you lack any ONE THING, do not harden your hearts.

4.       ONE THING I DO
Phil. 3: 13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but ONE THING I DO, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead.

This is Paul, speaking such words after a hugely successful ministry for many years… ONE THING I DO…
Forget the past, live in the present and press on towards the future. Future focus is what will carry us through. Failures and guilt are things of the past, and it is the devil who reminds you of the past (and you must remind him of his future). This is just the ONE THING TO DO… reach forward to those things which are ahead.  

One thing is needed, says Jesus to Martha; one thing I desire, says David; one thing you lack-Jesus tells the rich young man; and one thing I do, says Apostle Paul. What is that ONE THING in your heart that God has called you to do? You must DO it, with your focus on the future; in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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