There are 32 parables of Jesus that I want to share with you today. Jesus spoke to His disciples and to the people of that time, making use of stories and illustrations. I do not want to go into the details of each parable; but I would certainly like us all to get ‘the big picture’ of what Jesus wants to communicate with us today. Yes, isn’t it sometimes good to have a bird’s eye view of the entire message from the parables, before we get into the nitty-gritty details?
Parables of Jesus, is different, from any other story or illustration, because it communicates some spiritual truths to us – His love, His open invitation to all, His second coming, prayer, stewardship, the kingdom of God, etc. These spiritual truths must be imbibed into our hearts along with the illustration Jesus taught; otherwise we will miss the big picture.
1. God’s love
• The Lost Sheep [Luke 15: 3-7]
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The Return of the Prodigal Son (1773) by Pompeo Batoni - Wikipedia |
• The Lost Coin [Luke 15: 8-10]
Though only one coin was lost, the diligent woman seeks it out patiently; and rejoices when she finds it. The Lord is not going to give up on you any time. If you think you are far from him now, know that He is searching out for you… you cannot hide from Him.
• The Lost Son [Luke 15: 11-32]
Like the father of that prodigal son, the Lord is waiting and watching for you to return… When the prodigal son came to his senses, he was willing to become a servant to his father; but his father would have none of it. He gave his son new raiment, a ring, and he called for a feast and made him master.
God’s love for you is unconditional, personal, reaching out even to the depths of sin and shame. There is restoration and rejoicing in God’s love. Come home!
2. Rejection of Messiah
• Evil vinedressers [Matthew 21: 33-44]
There was a certain landowner who planted a vineyard… and he leased it to vinedressers and went into a far country. He sent servants to receive its fruit, but the evil vinedressers beat one, killed one and stoned another. Lastly he sent his son, but they killed him too!
• The Unproductive Fig Tree [Luke 13: 6-9]
For three years, there was no fruit. But the keeper pleaded with the owner not to cut it for yet another year, that he may fertilize and try to make it grow fruit!
Both these parables, reflect the nation of Israel (fig tree) that rejected the Messiah and their works bore no fruit till the time of Jesus. And then came the open invitation to all who will come…
3. Open Invitation
• The Great Banquet [Luke 14: 16-24]
Those who were chosen, and those who were called to the supper, began to make excuses. They said they could not come for this or that reason. Then the master gave invitation to all those in the streets and lanes of the city, even to the highways and hedges…
• The Wedding Feast [Matthew 22: 1-14]
An invitation is open to all who are willing… come and feast at the banquet table! The rich, the poor, the high, the low, the educated, the illiterate…
But there was one who did not have a wedding garment. And when asked, how he managed to come in, he was speechless. Therefore, he was cast out. “For many are called, but few are chosen” (v14).
4. Thankfulness
The Lord has called us; He has chosen us. He freely forgave, and He freely gave… What is your response?
• The Forgiven Debts [Luke 7: 41-43]
Our love for Him stems from the things He has done for us. If you have been forgiven more- more than some other person you know, thankfulness must flow from your heart. Love Him more, if you know you have been forgiven more!
5. Kingdom of God / Kingdom of Heaven
• The Soils [Matthew 13: 3-8]
The seed is the word of God. It remains as potent as ever-unchanging! But what is about your heart, the soil? Is it hard like a rock? Is it so thorny that it can choke a crop? Or will it be that good soil that will produce fruit-thirty-fold, sixty-fold and hundred-fold?
Be sensitive to the word of God-receive it to grow and be fruitful. “He who has ears, let him hear!”
• The Weeds (Wheat and Tares) [Matthew 13: 24-30]
• The Fishing Net [Matthew 13: 47-50]
Be like the wheat, and the good fish, that are gathered together for use. The tares and the bad fishes will be cast out. So it will be at the end of age. The angels will come forth, separate the wicked from among the just, and cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
• The Mustard Seed [Matthew 13: 31, 32]
• The Growing Seed [Mark 4: 26-29]
• Yeast [Matthew 13: 33]
Respond to God’s word. There will be a tremendous change inside out, and the increase, guaranteed! Every part of our being is affected by His word and therefore, there will be no stagnant phase in our Christian life. And of the increase of His kingdom… there shall be no end!
• The Hidden Treasure [Matt 13: 44]
• Pearl of the Greatest Price [Matt. 13: 45, 46]
Learn to value the kingdom of God. It is more important that any OTHER THING in your life. Forsake all to hold on to that one treasure-kingdom of God. Everything else can wait; everything else is secondary! Seek first the kingdom of God… (Matt. 6:33)
6. Prayer
• The Friend at Midnight [Luke 11: 5-8]
• The Unjust Judge [Luke 18: 1-6]
Persevere in prayer. Never give up praying. Keep on asking, and you will have it; Keep on seeking, and you will find the answer; keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you. Do not lose heart-He is there and He cares.
7. Humility
• The Wedding Feast [Luke 14: 7-11]
Do not seek a place of honor. Do not pursue after position and prestige. “For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
• The Pharisee and the Publican [Luke 18: 9-14]
Do not trust in your own righteousness. Do not think you are better-off than others when it comes to sin. Keep condescension at bay! For we all, like sheep, had gone astray… and we found cleansing and righteousness only in Jesus and His redeeming blood. If you cry out, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner!”–you will be justified. Else you will return just the way you came…
8. Love for the Brethren
• The Good Samaritan [Luke 10: 30-37]
To the question from a lawyer, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus tells this parable. A neighbor may not be your own countryman, or speaking your own language; nor from your caste or religion-but a neighbor is anyone in need when you are near, at any point of time. This is how we demonstrate Christian love towards one another. Do good to all…
9. Obedience
• The Two Sons [Matthew 21: 28-33]
One son says, he will not work in the vineyard; but later regrets it and goes to work. The other says he will do it; but does not! Therefore what really matters is not your speech, but your walk! Hear His word and do it, that you may build on the rock and not fall-in the day of the storm!
10. Unforgiveness
• The Unforgiving Servant [Matthew 18: 23-35]
Realize the extent to which you have been forgiven, and forgive in return! Freely forgive, one and all. Yes, sometimes people will hurt you, they will owe you something… but you-forgive.
11. Service
• Workers in the Harvest [Matthew 20: 1-16]
There is no time too early; and never too late for service. But do it… come into His vineyard to work. The Bible says, ‘the last will be first, and the first last’.
• The Talents [Matthew 25: 14-30]
Each talent is equal to 15 years of salary-this is so much. Even the one, who had received only one talent, received so much! Do not bury your talent in the ground. Use what God has given each one of us.
• The Minas [Luke 19: 11-27]
Each mina is 100 days salary. Start may be small; but it will yield rich dividends as you continue to do His service. Utilize your gifting, for His glory.
• Servant’s Attitude [Luke 17: 7-10]
As you continue in His service, have this servant’s attitude: ‘We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do.’
He is everything and we are nothing but clay in His hands. He moulds us, and makes us and uses us for His glory!
• Wise and Faithful Servant [Matthew 24:45-51]
Always be faithful; do what you are called to do.
12. Attitude towards Wealth
• The Rich Fool [Luke 12: 16-21]
Material things-that’s what the world goes after. Amass wealth, store up for many, many years. But the fool does not know his life is more precious than wealth! We came into this world-empty, and it is certain that we cannot take anything from it when we go… Have the right attitude towards wealth.
• The Shrewd Manager [Luke 16: 1-9]
When he knew he was about to lose his job, the worldly manager made preparations to secure his future. Therefore use your money and wealth to build a spiritual future… Spiritual wealth, and treasure in heaven are going to last. Do not waste it all by non-use or misuse.
13. Readiness to Christ’s Return
• The Ten Virgins [Matthew 25: 1-13]
• The Traveling Owner [Mark 13: 34-37]
Watch! Be wise and be prepared! Jesus is coming quickly. Therefore be ready for His coming!
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